

Miri is your personal wellness guide that offers personalized recommendations, confidential conversations, and continuous learning. With its expertise and support, you can make small, impactful changes to improve your overall health and well-being.

Tags: Wellness

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Miri Health: How to Get the Best AI Wellness Coaching and Support

Miri Health is a mobile app that uses generative AI to create personalized and interactive coaching sessions with real experts in various fields of health and wellness.

You can choose from a team of experts such as nutritionists, fitness trainers, mental health coaches, lifestyle coaches, and more.

Each expert has their own specialty and expertise that they can share with you through the app.

How can Miri Health help you?

  • AI-powered wellness coaching with real experts. You can consult with them anytime, anywhere, and get tailored advice based on your needs and preferences. They will guide you through your wellness journey and help you make the best choices for yourself.
  • Supercharged meal plans that are designed for real life. You can get meal plans that are aligned with your nutrition objectives and lifestyle preferences. You can also get integrated shopping lists that include ingredients for diverse recipes that are easy to prepare.
  • Personalized calorie and macronutrient calculations that are based on your specific fitness and body composition goals. You can get recommendations on how many calories and macronutrients (protein, carbs, fat) you need to consume per day to reach your desired weight or body shape.
  • A variety of wellness services such as classes, challenges, quizzes, games, videos, podcasts, articles, and more. You can access a wealth of information and resources on topics such as stress management, sleep hygiene, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, self-care tips, motivational quotes, inspirational stories, and more.

Why choose Miri Health?

Miri focuses on one aspect of your well-being. It is a comprehensive platform that covers all aspects of your health and wellness holistically.

It helps you improve not only your physical health but also your mental health and emotional well-being.

Miri Health is also a community of like-minded people who share their experiences and support each other in their wellness journey.

You can join groups based on your interests or goals and interact with other users who have similar challenges or aspirations as you.

Miri Health is more than just an app. It is a partner in your wellness journey that will help you achieve all your wellness goals from losing weight to stress management.

It will also help you better protect yourself against chronic illness in the future by providing you with evidence-based information from accomplished experts.

How to get started with Miri Health?

  • Download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store
  • Create an account
  • Choose an expert
  • Set up your profile
  • Select a plan
  • Start coaching
  • Track your progress
  • Celebrate your achievements
  • Join the community
  • Have fun
  • Learn new things
  • Feel empowered

How to contact Miri Health?

If you have any questions or feedback about the app or the platform in general, please feel free to contact at miri.health@support.com.



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